Mount Jomolhari from Chokling Goenpa in Paro

The picture was taken in Chokling goenpa with Mt. Jomolhari in the background. Chokling goenpa is one of the temples visited by previous famous buddhist master tertoen Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa. Chokgyur Lingpa was born in Sangyal (Tib. gsang rgyal; Eng. Secret Victory), at the base of the sacred mountain Namkhadzö (Tib. nam mkha’ mdzod, Eng. Sky Treasury) in the province of Nangchen, on the tenth day of the sixth month of the earth ox year (August 9, 1829). It is said that Chokgyur Lingpa was the final reincarnation of Prince Murub Tsenpo,[2] second son of the Dharma king Trisong Detsen. Considered in his lineage as the last of the hundred major tertöns, Chokgyur Lingpa is regarded as the tertön meant for our times, with teachings particularly potent for our day and age.The king and son mentioned here are Trisong Deutsen and Murub Tsenpo, who were reincarnated respectively as Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo and Chokgyur Lingpa. In the backgroung we can see Jomolhari and it has an elevation of over 7326 meters and is the source of Paro Chhu (river). The mountains are considered sacred to Buddhists who believe it is the abode of one of the five Tseringma sisters-female protector Goddess (Jomo) of Tibet and Bhutan.


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