Critical analysis of learning experience

In this technologically driven world it has become mendatory for teachers and learners to have knowledge and skills on information and communication technology. Learning becomes more comprehensive if we use ICT tools to retrieve knowledge and skills. ICT tools makes learning more realistic and all the unimaginable things are within our reach. For example, doing multiple task like browsing and listening music. working on a google docs and simultaneously working on a power point presentation. JUmping from one windows to another window. This methods saves great deal of our time. It has great advantage if we know howto use ICT tools. learning how to use camtesia: It is an interactive tool in which we can edit videos, conduct quize and screen record.It was a great experience and fun to use camtesia. It is one of the ICT tools that engages and draws interests of the users. It makes images and videos more attractive and realistic when it is manipulated to motions using graphics. We can insert audios that makes video graphics more interesting. We can use screen recording which was fun to do. We can use such techniques to teach children and at the same time improve our own usage into multiple diverse context and accross other curriculum. During the entire session we learned and used many ICT tools. Another example of video editing tool was canva. Canva has multiple features that were fun using. It has many beautiful and interesting templates for presentation, video making, projects and bussiness portals. We can insert sounds, music, record our own video and insert on the slide, insert animations of pictures and words. It is fun to use canva in teaching and learning as there are many features we can explore. Another interactive tool is use of PhET interactive simulations. They are typically easier for all the students to see in a lecture, they are typically easier to modify on the spot so that we can get response to our questions about what might happen if we change the experiment, and it allows us to see the changes. We even used google docs whcih contains features like excel, word documents and presentations. We even created quizes and questionaires thayt includes making MCQs and filling in the spaces. Everything in the gooogle docs gets auto saved. We have learned how to send them to multiple emails and gmails. We even learned how to create google classroom. It was really important as an educator to know how to use google classrooms. some advatages of using it are: Exposure to Google Classroom helps the students transition to different learning management systems used in higher education. Being paperless reduces the hassle. Saves a lot of time. Facilitates communication for better understanding. Collaboration to keep the environment alive. Engagement that makes you feel inclusive.


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